HomeWorRx Referral Network profiles home service companies for homeowners looking for a contractor or handyman. To ensure that companies they recommend are reliable, HomeWorRx checks the business licenses, insurance coverages, Better Business Bureau records, and three trade references. The recommended home service company also has to agree to a(n) , which includes maintaining professionalism and guaranteeing the quality of its work.

HomeWorRx Referral Network profiles home service companies for homeowners looking for a contractor or handyman. To ensure that companies they recommend are reliable, HomeWorRx checks the business licenses, insurance coverages, Better Business Bureau records, and three trade references. The recommended home service company also has to agree to a(n) , which includes maintaining professionalism and guaranteeing the quality of its work.

A. statement of cultural values
B. statement of values and beliefs
C. industry endorsement
D. code of ethics
E. contract due diligence

Answer: D

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